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Ny info om Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII

I en intervju med så avslöjade Yoshinori Kitase och Motomu Toriyama flera saker om Final Fantasy XIII. Flera olika frågor besvarades men jag har tagit med de intressantaste frågorna och svaren. Om du vill läsa hela intervjun så finns det en länk längst ner i nyheten.

Hur många sidequests kommer det att finnas i XIII?
– We call them “missions”, rather than “quests”. During the second half of the story, when the characters go down to a place called Pulse, there are many missions available there. In the majority of them the boss of the mission who you have to defeat, is more powerful than the main boss of the story. I’ve already told you that the basic playing time is 50 to 60 hours, but if you want to complete all the missions, the total time is probably twice that or more.

Hur mycket tid har ni lagt på storyn och filmsekvenser?
– The basic playtime is about 50 to 60 hours, for the main story. Amongst which, the cutscenes make up about 10 hours. So, quite a large amount, with very high quality graphics, of course. So there’s plenty of story and gameplay to enjoy.

Kommer det att finnas new game+?
– When you finish the main quest there are some growth elements of the characters which will unlock once you’ve defeated the last boss. After this is done, you’ll be easily able to return to Pulse and take part in the many missions available there. There is no way to start the game again with your current character stats, however.

Vad kommer ni göra nu när allt är klart?
– At the moment we are still concentrating on finishing off and promoting the overseas version of Final Fantasy XIII, but many of the team have obviously accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience and they will be moved over to work on Versus and Agito. Personally, we don’t know what we’re going to move on to next.

Huvudstoryn kommer ta runt 50 till 60 timmar att spela ut.
Spelet består av ca 10h filmsekvenser.
När du har spelat ut huvudstoryn så slutar inte spelet utan du kan fortsätta spela.
Ska du göra allt i spelet så får du räkna minst 100 timmar speltid.

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