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FFXII ute nu – så tycker nordamerika

Enligt MetaCritic, som sammanfattar den amerikanska spelpressens alla omdömen om bland annat spel, så får Final Fantasy XII ett betyg på 93 av 100. Detta baserat på 26 olika recensioner som ger så högt som 100 (perfekt) ner till 80 av 100 som det lägsta betyget. Deras besökare har gett spelet betyget 9.5 av 10, baserat på 50 röster.

Nedan följer slutbetyget och omdömet från sex av de största spelsajterna i USA. Deras omdömen är dock på engelska, men antar att ni kan översätta dem själva med tanke på hur mycket FF ni spelar.



“Despite the massive size of its world and seemingly endless optional content, Final Fantasy XII feels like an unfinished, conflicted game. In the end, Square Enix’s developers seem to have fallen into the same trap the game’s waiting fans did – while the overall scope and ambition has gotten plenty of attention, the minute-to-minute play experience has been all but ignored.”
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643 besökare på deras sajt ger spelet 8.1 i betyg.



“There’s still a disconnect between what happens during gameplay and what happens during cutscenes, but by integrating the combat and exploration, Final Fantasy has come one step closer to being more immersive than before.”
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965 besökare på deras sajt ger spelet 9.6 i betyg.



“A fantastic RPG. It blows all of its PS2 competition this year right out of the water and is among the all time elite role-players ever made for the system. “Kingdom Hearts,” “Devil Summoner,” “Xenosaga III,” “Tales of the Abyss”… none of them are on the same level as Square Enix’s bold and riveting move in a new direction.”
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1030 besökare på deras sajt ger spelet 90 i betyg.



“From beginning to end, this is the most complex Final Fantasy game yet, and it’s just as evident in its plot as in its mechanics.”
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Ett okänt antal besökare på deras sajt ger spelet 9.3 i betyg.



“Final Fantasy’s final swan song for the PlayStation 2 is a complete masterpiece. Square Enix’s attention to detail and love for their craft is embodied through and through. This is an adventure that will, without a doubt, stand the tests of time.”
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“Not quite the best game of all time, nor even the best rpg of all time, nor even the best FF…but still amazingly good! It’s a title that will disappoint some fans on various fronts due to incredibly high expectations that no game could match, yet at the same time even those that it disappoints should still enjoy the game and have fun with almost every moment.”
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